Out with the old, in with the new

Wordpress, and similar blog/website suites have been around for decades. I've used it on many projects/sites since about 2005.
But it's time.
From broken plugins, security flaws, and bad performance, to the constant gating of basic features (custom post types, admin tools, spam protection) behind paywalls, memberships, and the absolute deluge of wallet-draining scripts, plugins and themes that eventually amount to absolute uselessness.
From having our sites zombied, turned into spam platforms, to watching our domains and IPs get blacklisted by reputation firms, it's enough already.
There are better options.
I've tried Drupal, Joomla, and many, many other options. It's time to give Ghost a try.
While ghost doesn't necessarily offer all of the powers Wordpress can, it offers a dead-simple blogging / cms with high marks in performance and a growing userbase.
Addons and themes are forthcoming.
So far, out of the box, Ghost has been a pleasant experience. Although the install needed a bit of finesse.
With my DS1821+ (Synology NAS) I followed the guide posted by MariusHosting and managed to install Ghost.
If you run into some database errors while installing Ghost, you may need to create your MySQL user and assign a password, and privileges manually.
``docker exec -it container_name mysql -p``
If the password is blank you'll want to set it.
``SET PASSWORD = 'somethingclever';``
Next you'll need to create the ghostuser, user.
CREATE USER 'ghostuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'somepassword';
If that doesn't work, create the user with a password, THEN you can "grant all" using the settings above for the "ghost.*" database.
From there, restarting the container for Ghost had us where we are now.
Let's see where tomorrow takes us.